SQL Generation
Example demonstrating how to use PydanticAI to generate SQL queries based on user input.
Running the Example
The resulting SQL is validated by running it as an EXPLAIN
query on PostgreSQL. To run the example, you first need to run PostgreSQL, e.g. via Docker:
docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 54320:5432 postgres
to avoid conflicts with any other postgres instances you may have running)
With dependencies installed and environment variables set, run:
python -m pydantic_ai_examples.sql_gen
uv run -m pydantic_ai_examples.sql_gen
or to use a custom prompt:
python -m pydantic_ai_examples.sql_gen "find me errors"
uv run -m pydantic_ai_examples.sql_gen "find me errors"
This model uses gemini-1.5-flash
by default since Gemini is good at single shot queries of this kind.
Example Code
import asyncio
import sys
from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date
from typing import Annotated, Any, Union
import asyncpg
import logfire
from annotated_types import MinLen
from devtools import debug
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from pydantic_ai import Agent, ModelRetry, RunContext
from pydantic_ai.format_as_xml import format_as_xml
# 'if-token-present' means nothing will be sent (and the example will work) if you don't have logfire configured
CREATE TABLE records (
created_at timestamptz,
start_timestamp timestamptz,
end_timestamp timestamptz,
trace_id text,
span_id text,
parent_span_id text,
level log_level,
span_name text,
message text,
attributes_json_schema text,
attributes jsonb,
tags text[],
is_exception boolean,
otel_status_message text,
service_name text
'request': 'show me records where foobar is false',
'response': "SELECT * FROM records WHERE attributes->>'foobar' = false",
'request': 'show me records where attributes include the key "foobar"',
'response': "SELECT * FROM records WHERE attributes ? 'foobar'",
'request': 'show me records from yesterday',
'response': "SELECT * FROM records WHERE start_timestamp::date > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1 day'",
'request': 'show me error records with the tag "foobar"',
'response': "SELECT * FROM records WHERE level = 'error' and 'foobar' = ANY(tags)",
class Deps:
conn: asyncpg.Connection
class Success(BaseModel):
"""Response when SQL could be successfully generated."""
sql_query: Annotated[str, MinLen(1)]
explanation: str = Field(
'', description='Explanation of the SQL query, as markdown'
class InvalidRequest(BaseModel):
"""Response the user input didn't include enough information to generate SQL."""
error_message: str
Response: TypeAlias = Union[Success, InvalidRequest]
agent: Agent[Deps, Response] = Agent(
# Type ignore while we wait for PEP-0747, nonetheless unions will work fine everywhere else
result_type=Response, # type: ignore
async def system_prompt() -> str:
return f"""\
Given the following PostgreSQL table of records, your job is to
write a SQL query that suits the user's request.
Database schema:
today's date = {date.today()}
async def validate_result(ctx: RunContext[Deps], result: Response) -> Response:
if isinstance(result, InvalidRequest):
return result
# gemini often adds extraneous backslashes to SQL
result.sql_query = result.sql_query.replace('\\', '')
if not result.sql_query.upper().startswith('SELECT'):
raise ModelRetry('Please create a SELECT query')
await ctx.deps.conn.execute(f'EXPLAIN {result.sql_query}')
except asyncpg.exceptions.PostgresError as e:
raise ModelRetry(f'Invalid query: {e}') from e
return result
async def main():
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
prompt = 'show me logs from yesterday, with level "error"'
prompt = sys.argv[1]
async with database_connect(
'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54320', 'pydantic_ai_sql_gen'
) as conn:
deps = Deps(conn)
result = await agent.run(prompt, deps=deps)
# pyright: reportUnknownMemberType=false
# pyright: reportUnknownVariableType=false
async def database_connect(server_dsn: str, database: str) -> AsyncGenerator[Any, None]:
with logfire.span('check and create DB'):
conn = await asyncpg.connect(server_dsn)
db_exists = await conn.fetchval(
'SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = $1', database
if not db_exists:
await conn.execute(f'CREATE DATABASE {database}')
await conn.close()
conn = await asyncpg.connect(f'{server_dsn}/{database}')
with logfire.span('create schema'):
async with conn.transaction():
if not db_exists:
await conn.execute(
"CREATE TYPE log_level AS ENUM ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical')"
await conn.execute(DB_SCHEMA)
yield conn
await conn.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':