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Weather agent

Example of PydanticAI with multiple tools which the LLM needs to call in turn to answer a question.


In this case the idea is a "weather" agent — the user can ask for the weather in multiple locations, the agent will use the get_lat_lng tool to get the latitude and longitude of the locations, then use the get_weather tool to get the weather for those locations.

Running the Example

To run this example properly, you might want to add two extra API keys (Note if either key is missing, the code will fall back to dummy data, so they're not required):

With dependencies installed and environment variables set, run:

python -m pydantic_ai_examples.weather_agent
uv run -m pydantic_ai_examples.weather_agent

Example Code

from __future__ import annotations as _annotations

import asyncio
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

import logfire
from devtools import debug
from httpx import AsyncClient

from pydantic_ai import Agent, ModelRetry, RunContext

# 'if-token-present' means nothing will be sent (and the example will work) if you don't have logfire configured

class Deps:
    client: AsyncClient
    weather_api_key: str | None
    geo_api_key: str | None

weather_agent = Agent(
    # 'Be concise, reply with one sentence.' is enough for some models (like openai) to use
    # the below tools appropriately, but others like anthropic and gemini require a bit more direction.
        'Be concise, reply with one sentence.'
        'Use the `get_lat_lng` tool to get the latitude and longitude of the locations, '
        'then use the `get_weather` tool to get the weather.'

async def get_lat_lng(
    ctx: RunContext[Deps], location_description: str
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Get the latitude and longitude of a location.

        ctx: The context.
        location_description: A description of a location.
    if ctx.deps.geo_api_key is None:
        # if no API key is provided, return a dummy response (London)
        return {'lat': 51.1, 'lng': -0.1}

    params = {
        'q': location_description,
        'api_key': ctx.deps.geo_api_key,
    with logfire.span('calling geocode API', params=params) as span:
        r = await ctx.deps.client.get('', params=params)
        data = r.json()
        span.set_attribute('response', data)

    if data:
        return {'lat': data[0]['lat'], 'lng': data[0]['lon']}
        raise ModelRetry('Could not find the location')

async def get_weather(ctx: RunContext[Deps], lat: float, lng: float) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get the weather at a location.

        ctx: The context.
        lat: Latitude of the location.
        lng: Longitude of the location.
    if ctx.deps.weather_api_key is None:
        # if no API key is provided, return a dummy response
        return {'temperature': '21 °C', 'description': 'Sunny'}

    params = {
        'apikey': ctx.deps.weather_api_key,
        'location': f'{lat},{lng}',
        'units': 'metric',
    with logfire.span('calling weather API', params=params) as span:
        r = await ctx.deps.client.get(
            '', params=params
        data = r.json()
        span.set_attribute('response', data)

    values = data['data']['values']
    code_lookup = {
        1000: 'Clear, Sunny',
        1100: 'Mostly Clear',
        1101: 'Partly Cloudy',
        1102: 'Mostly Cloudy',
        1001: 'Cloudy',
        2000: 'Fog',
        2100: 'Light Fog',
        4000: 'Drizzle',
        4001: 'Rain',
        4200: 'Light Rain',
        4201: 'Heavy Rain',
        5000: 'Snow',
        5001: 'Flurries',
        5100: 'Light Snow',
        5101: 'Heavy Snow',
        6000: 'Freezing Drizzle',
        6001: 'Freezing Rain',
        6200: 'Light Freezing Rain',
        6201: 'Heavy Freezing Rain',
        7000: 'Ice Pellets',
        7101: 'Heavy Ice Pellets',
        7102: 'Light Ice Pellets',
        8000: 'Thunderstorm',
    return {
        'temperature': f'{values["temperatureApparent"]:0.0f}°C',
        'description': code_lookup.get(values['weatherCode'], 'Unknown'),

async def main():
    async with AsyncClient() as client:
        # create a free API key at
        weather_api_key = os.getenv('WEATHER_API_KEY')
        # create a free API key at
        geo_api_key = os.getenv('GEO_API_KEY')
        deps = Deps(
            client=client, weather_api_key=weather_api_key, geo_api_key=geo_api_key
        result = await
            'What is the weather like in London and in Wiltshire?', deps=deps

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running the UI

You can build multi-turn chat applications for your agent with Gradio, a framework for building AI web applications entirely in python. Gradio comes with built-in chat components and agent support so the entire UI will be implemented in a single python file!

Here's what the UI looks like for the weather agent:

Note, to run the UI, you'll need Python 3.10+.

pip install gradio>=5.9.0
python/uv-run -m pydantic_ai_examples.weather_agent_gradio

UI Code

from __future__ import annotations as _annotations

import json
import os

from httpx import AsyncClient

from pydantic_ai.messages import ToolCallPart, ToolReturnPart
from pydantic_ai_examples.weather_agent import Deps, weather_agent

    import gradio as gr
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError(
        'Please install gradio with `pip install gradio`. You must use python>=3.10.'
    ) from e

TOOL_TO_DISPLAY_NAME = {'get_lat_lng': 'Geocoding API', 'get_weather': 'Weather API'}

client = AsyncClient()
weather_api_key = os.getenv('WEATHER_API_KEY')
# create a free API key at
geo_api_key = os.getenv('GEO_API_KEY')
deps = Deps(client=client, weather_api_key=weather_api_key, geo_api_key=geo_api_key)

async def stream_from_agent(prompt: str, chatbot: list[dict], past_messages: list):
    chatbot.append({'role': 'user', 'content': prompt})
    yield gr.Textbox(interactive=False, value=''), chatbot, gr.skip()
    async with weather_agent.run_stream(
        prompt, deps=deps, message_history=past_messages
    ) as result:
        for message in result.new_messages():
            for call in
                if isinstance(call, ToolCallPart):
                    call_args = (
                        if hasattr(call.args, 'args_json')
                        else json.dumps(call.args.args_dict)
                    metadata = {
                        'title': f'🛠️ Using {TOOL_TO_DISPLAY_NAME[call.tool_name]}',
                    if call.tool_call_id is not None:
                        metadata['id'] = {call.tool_call_id}

                    gr_message = {
                        'role': 'assistant',
                        'content': 'Parameters: ' + call_args,
                        'metadata': metadata,
                if isinstance(call, ToolReturnPart):
                    for gr_message in chatbot:
                        if (
                            gr_message.get('metadata', {}).get('id', '')
                            == call.tool_call_id
                            gr_message['content'] += (
                                f'\nOutput: {json.dumps(call.content)}'
                yield gr.skip(), chatbot, gr.skip()
        chatbot.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': ''})
        async for message in result.stream_text():
            chatbot[-1]['content'] = message
            yield gr.skip(), chatbot, gr.skip()
        past_messages = result.all_messages()

        yield gr.Textbox(interactive=True), gr.skip(), past_messages

async def handle_retry(chatbot, past_messages: list, retry_data: gr.RetryData):
    new_history = chatbot[: retry_data.index]
    previous_prompt = chatbot[retry_data.index]['content']
    past_messages = past_messages[: retry_data.index]
    async for update in stream_from_agent(previous_prompt, new_history, past_messages):
        yield update

def undo(chatbot, past_messages: list, undo_data: gr.UndoData):
    new_history = chatbot[: undo_data.index]
    past_messages = past_messages[: undo_data.index]
    return chatbot[undo_data.index]['content'], new_history, past_messages

def select_data(message: gr.SelectData) -> str:
    return message.value['text']

with gr.Blocks() as demo:
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; gap: 2rem; padding: 1rem; width: 100%">
    <img src="" style="max-width: 200px; height: auto">
        <h1 style="margin: 0 0 1rem 0">Weather Assistant</h1>
        <h3 style="margin: 0 0 0.5rem 0">
            This assistant answer your weather questions.
    past_messages = gr.State([])
    chatbot = gr.Chatbot(
        label='Packing Assistant',
        avatar_images=(None, ''),
            {'text': 'What is the weather like in Miami?'},
            {'text': 'What is the weather like in London?'},
    with gr.Row():
        prompt = gr.Textbox(
            placeholder='What is the weather like in New York City?',
    generation = prompt.submit(
        inputs=[prompt, chatbot, past_messages],
        outputs=[prompt, chatbot, past_messages],
    chatbot.example_select(select_data, None, [prompt])
        handle_retry, [chatbot, past_messages], [prompt, chatbot, past_messages]
    chatbot.undo(undo, [chatbot, past_messages], [prompt, chatbot, past_messages])

if __name__ == '__main__':