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Don't use a nail gun unless you need a nail gun

If PydanticAI agents are a hammer, and multi-agent workflows are a sledgehammer, then graphs are a nail gun:

  • sure, nail guns look cooler than hammers
  • but nail guns take a lot more setup than hammers
  • and nail guns don't make you a better builder, they make you a builder with a nail gun
  • Lastly, (and at the risk of torturing this metaphor), if you're a fan of medieval tools like mallets and untyped Python, you probably won't like nail guns or our approach to graphs. (But then again, if you're not a fan of type hints in Python, you've probably already bounced off PydanticAI to use one of the toy agent frameworks — good luck, and feel free to borrow my sledgehammer when you realize you need it)

In short, graphs are a powerful tool, but they're not the right tool for every job. Please consider other multi-agent approaches before proceeding.

If you're not confident a graph-based approach is a good idea, it might be unnecessary.

Graphs and finite state machines (FSMs) are a powerful abstraction to model, execute, control and visualize complex workflows.

Alongside PydanticAI, we've developed pydantic-graph — an async graph and state machine library for Python where nodes and edges are defined using type hints.

While this library is developed as part of PydanticAI; it has no dependency on pydantic-ai and can be considered as a pure graph-based state machine library. You may find it useful whether or not you're using PydanticAI or even building with GenAI.

pydantic-graph is designed for advanced users and makes heavy use of Python generics and type hints. It is not designed to be as beginner-friendly as PydanticAI.


pydantic-graph is a required dependency of pydantic-ai, and an optional dependency of pydantic-ai-slim, see installation instructions for more information. You can also install it directly:

pip install pydantic-graph
uv add pydantic-graph

Graph Types

pydantic-graph is made up of a few key components:


GraphRunContext — The context for the graph run, similar to PydanticAI's RunContext. This holds the state of the graph and dependencies and is passed to nodes when they're run.

GraphRunContext is generic in the state type of the graph it's used in, StateT.


End — return value to indicate the graph run should end.

End is generic in the graph return type of the graph it's used in, RunEndT.


Subclasses of BaseNode define nodes for execution in the graph.

Nodes, which are generally dataclasses, generally consist of:

  • fields containing any parameters required/optional when calling the node
  • the business logic to execute the node, in the run method
  • return annotations of the run method, which are read by pydantic-graph to determine the outgoing edges of the node

Nodes are generic in:

  • state, which must have the same type as the state of graphs they're included in, StateT has a default of None, so if you're not using state you can omit this generic parameter, see stateful graphs for more information
  • deps, which must have the same type as the deps of the graph they're included in, DepsT has a default of None, so if you're not using deps you can omit this generic parameter, see dependency injection for more information
  • graph return type — this only applies if the node returns End. RunEndT has a default of Never so this generic parameter can be omitted if the node doesn't return End, but must be included if it does.

Here's an example of a start or intermediate node in a graph — it can't end the run as it doesn't return End:
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, GraphRunContext

class MyNode(BaseNode[MyState]):  # (1)!
    foo: int  # (2)!

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext[MyState],  # (3)!
    ) -> AnotherNode:  # (4)!
        return AnotherNode()
  1. State in this example is MyState (not shown), hence BaseNode is parameterized with MyState. This node can't end the run, so the RunEndT generic parameter is omitted and defaults to Never.
  2. MyNode is a dataclass and has a single field foo, an int.
  3. The run method takes a GraphRunContext parameter, again parameterized with state MyState.
  4. The return type of the run method is AnotherNode (not shown), this is used to determine the outgoing edges of the node.

We could extend MyNode to optionally end the run if foo is divisible by 5:
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, GraphRunContext

class MyNode(BaseNode[MyState, None, int]):  # (1)!
    foo: int

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext[MyState],
    ) -> AnotherNode | End[int]:  # (2)!
        if % 5 == 0:
            return End(
            return AnotherNode()
  1. We parameterize the node with the return type (int in this case) as well as state. Because generic parameters are positional-only, we have to include None as the second parameter representing deps.
  2. The return type of the run method is now a union of AnotherNode and End[int], this allows the node to end the run if foo is divisible by 5.


Graph — this is the execution graph itself, made up of a set of node classes (i.e., BaseNode subclasses).

Graph is generic in:

  • state the state type of the graph, StateT
  • deps the deps type of the graph, DepsT
  • graph return type the return type of the graph run, RunEndT

Here's an example of a simple graph:
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, Graph, GraphRunContext

class DivisibleBy5(BaseNode[None, None, int]):  # (1)!
    foo: int

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext,
    ) -> Increment | End[int]:
        if % 5 == 0:
            return End(
            return Increment(

class Increment(BaseNode):  # (2)!
    foo: int

    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext) -> DivisibleBy5:
        return DivisibleBy5( + 1)

fives_graph = Graph(nodes=[DivisibleBy5, Increment])  # (3)!
result = fives_graph.run_sync(DivisibleBy5(4))  # (4)!
#> 5
  1. The DivisibleBy5 node is parameterized with None for the state param and None for the deps param as this graph doesn't use state or deps, and int as it can end the run.
  2. The Increment node doesn't return End, so the RunEndT generic parameter is omitted, state can also be omitted as the graph doesn't use state.
  3. The graph is created with a sequence of nodes.
  4. The graph is run synchronously with run_sync. The initial node is DivisibleBy5(4). Because the graph doesn't use external state or deps, we don't pass state or deps.

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+)

A mermaid diagram for this graph can be generated with the following code:
from graph_example import DivisibleBy5, fives_graph

title: fives_graph
  [*] --> DivisibleBy5
  DivisibleBy5 --> Increment
  DivisibleBy5 --> [*]
  Increment --> DivisibleBy5

In order to visualize a graph within a jupyter-notebook, IPython.display needs to be used:
from graph_example import DivisibleBy5, fives_graph
from IPython.display import Image, display


Stateful Graphs

The "state" concept in pydantic-graph provides an optional way to access and mutate an object (often a dataclass or Pydantic model) as nodes run in a graph. If you think of Graphs as a production line, then your state is the engine being passed along the line and built up by each node as the graph is run.

In the future, we intend to extend pydantic-graph to provide state persistence with the state recorded after each node is run, see #695.

Here's an example of a graph which represents a vending machine where the user may insert coins and select a product to purchase.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass

from rich.prompt import Prompt

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, Graph, GraphRunContext

class MachineState:  # (1)!
    user_balance: float = 0.0
    product: str | None = None

class InsertCoin(BaseNode[MachineState]):  # (3)!
    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[MachineState]) -> CoinsInserted:  # (16)!
        return CoinsInserted(float(Prompt.ask('Insert coins')))  # (4)!

class CoinsInserted(BaseNode[MachineState]):
    amount: float  # (5)!

    async def run(
        self, ctx: GraphRunContext[MachineState]
    ) -> SelectProduct | Purchase:  # (17)!
        ctx.state.user_balance += self.amount  # (6)!
        if ctx.state.product is not None:  # (7)!
            return Purchase(ctx.state.product)
            return SelectProduct()

class SelectProduct(BaseNode[MachineState]):
    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[MachineState]) -> Purchase:
        return Purchase(Prompt.ask('Select product'))

PRODUCT_PRICES = {  # (2)!
    'water': 1.25,
    'soda': 1.50,
    'crisps': 1.75,
    'chocolate': 2.00,

class Purchase(BaseNode[MachineState, None, None]):  # (18)!
    product: str

    async def run(
        self, ctx: GraphRunContext[MachineState]
    ) -> End | InsertCoin | SelectProduct:
        if price := PRODUCT_PRICES.get(self.product):  # (8)!
            ctx.state.product = self.product  # (9)!
            if ctx.state.user_balance >= price:  # (10)!
                ctx.state.user_balance -= price
                return End(None)
                diff = price - ctx.state.user_balance
                print(f'Not enough money for {self.product}, need {diff:0.2f} more')
                #> Not enough money for crisps, need 0.75 more
                return InsertCoin()  # (11)!
            print(f'No such product: {self.product}, try again')
            return SelectProduct()  # (12)!

vending_machine_graph = Graph(  # (13)!
    nodes=[InsertCoin, CoinsInserted, SelectProduct, Purchase]

async def main():
    state = MachineState()  # (14)!
    await, state=state)  # (15)!
    print(f'purchase successful item={state.product} change={state.user_balance:0.2f}')
    #> purchase successful item=crisps change=0.25
  1. The state of the vending machine is defined as a dataclass with the user's balance and the product they've selected, if any.
  2. A dictionary of products mapped to prices.
  3. The InsertCoin node, BaseNode is parameterized with MachineState as that's the state used in this graph.
  4. The InsertCoin node prompts the user to insert coins. We keep things simple by just entering a monetary amount as a float. Before you start thinking this is a toy too since it's using rich's Prompt.ask within nodes, see below for how control flow can be managed when nodes require external input.
  5. The CoinsInserted node; again this is a dataclass with one field amount.
  6. Update the user's balance with the amount inserted.
  7. If the user has already selected a product, go to Purchase, otherwise go to SelectProduct.
  8. In the Purchase node, look up the price of the product if the user entered a valid product.
  9. If the user did enter a valid product, set the product in the state so we don't revisit SelectProduct.
  10. If the balance is enough to purchase the product, adjust the balance to reflect the purchase and return End to end the graph. We're not using the run return type, so we call End with None.
  11. If the balance is insufficient, go to InsertCoin to prompt the user to insert more coins.
  12. If the product is invalid, go to SelectProduct to prompt the user to select a product again.
  13. The graph is created by passing a list of nodes to Graph. Order of nodes is not important, but it can affect how diagrams are displayed.
  14. Initialize the state. This will be passed to the graph run and mutated as the graph runs.
  15. Run the graph with the initial state. Since the graph can be run from any node, we must pass the start node — in this case, InsertCoin. returns a GraphRunResult that provides the final data and a history of the run.
  16. The return type of the node's run method is important as it is used to determine the outgoing edges of the node. This information in turn is used to render mermaid diagrams and is enforced at runtime to detect misbehavior as soon as possible.
  17. The return type of CoinsInserted's run method is a union, meaning multiple outgoing edges are possible.
  18. Unlike other nodes, Purchase can end the run, so the RunEndT generic parameter must be set. In this case it's None since the graph run return type is None.

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+ — you'll need to add to run main)

A mermaid diagram for this graph can be generated with the following code:
from vending_machine import InsertCoin, vending_machine_graph


The diagram generated by the above code is:

title: vending_machine_graph
  [*] --> InsertCoin
  InsertCoin --> CoinsInserted
  CoinsInserted --> SelectProduct
  CoinsInserted --> Purchase
  SelectProduct --> Purchase
  Purchase --> InsertCoin
  Purchase --> SelectProduct
  Purchase --> [*]

See below for more information on generating diagrams.

GenAI Example

So far we haven't shown an example of a Graph that actually uses PydanticAI or GenAI at all.

In this example, one agent generates a welcome email to a user and the other agent provides feedback on the email.

This graph has a very simple structure:

title: feedback_graph
  [*] --> WriteEmail
  WriteEmail --> Feedback
  Feedback --> WriteEmail
  Feedback --> [*]
from __future__ import annotations as _annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr

from pydantic_ai import Agent
from pydantic_ai.format_as_xml import format_as_xml
from pydantic_ai.messages import ModelMessage
from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, Graph, GraphRunContext

class User:
    name: str
    email: EmailStr
    interests: list[str]

class Email:
    subject: str
    body: str

class State:
    user: User
    write_agent_messages: list[ModelMessage] = field(default_factory=list)

email_writer_agent = Agent(
    system_prompt='Write a welcome email to our tech blog.',

class WriteEmail(BaseNode[State]):
    email_feedback: str | None = None

    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[State]) -> Feedback:
        if self.email_feedback:
            prompt = (
                f'Rewrite the email for the user:\n'
                f'Feedback: {self.email_feedback}'
            prompt = (
                f'Write a welcome email for the user:\n'

        result = await
        ctx.state.write_agent_messages += result.all_messages()
        return Feedback(

class EmailRequiresWrite(BaseModel):
    feedback: str

class EmailOk(BaseModel):

feedback_agent = Agent[None, EmailRequiresWrite | EmailOk](
    result_type=EmailRequiresWrite | EmailOk,  # type: ignore
        'Review the email and provide feedback, email must reference the users specific interests.'

class Feedback(BaseNode[State, None, Email]):
    email: Email

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext[State],
    ) -> WriteEmail | End[Email]:
        prompt = format_as_xml({'user': ctx.state.user, 'email':})
        result = await
        if isinstance(, EmailRequiresWrite):
            return WriteEmail(
            return End(

async def main():
    user = User(
        name='John Doe',
        interests=['Haskel', 'Lisp', 'Fortran'],
    state = State(user)
    feedback_graph = Graph(nodes=(WriteEmail, Feedback))
    result = await, state=state)
        subject='Welcome to our tech blog!',
        body='Hello John, Welcome to our tech blog! ...',

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+ — you'll need to add to run main)

Iterating Over a Graph

Using Graph.iter for async for iteration

Sometimes you want direct control or insight into each node as the graph executes. The easiest way to do that is with the Graph.iter method, which returns a context manager that yields a GraphRun object. The GraphRun is an async-iterable over the nodes of your graph, allowing you to record or modify them as they execute.

Here's an example:
from __future__ import annotations as _annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic_graph import Graph, BaseNode, End, GraphRunContext

class CountDownState:
    counter: int

class CountDown(BaseNode[CountDownState, None, int]):
    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[CountDownState]) -> CountDown | End[int]:
        if ctx.state.counter <= 0:
            return End(ctx.state.counter)
        ctx.state.counter -= 1
        return CountDown()

count_down_graph = Graph(nodes=[CountDown])

async def main():
    state = CountDownState(counter=3)
    async with count_down_graph.iter(CountDown(), state=state) as run:  # (1)!
        async for node in run:  # (2)!
            print('Node:', node)
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: End(data=0)
    print('Final result:', run.result.output)  # (3)!
    #> Final result: 0
  1. Graph.iter(...) returns a GraphRun.
  2. Here, we step through each node as it is executed.
  3. Once the graph returns an End, the loop ends, and run.final_result becomes a GraphRunResult containing the final outcome (0 here).

Using manually

Alternatively, you can drive iteration manually with the method, which allows you to pass in whichever node you want to run next. You can modify or selectively skip nodes this way.

Below is a contrived example that stops whenever the counter is at 2, ignoring any node runs beyond that:
from pydantic_graph import End, FullStatePersistence
from count_down import CountDown, CountDownState, count_down_graph

async def main():
    state = CountDownState(counter=5)
    persistence = FullStatePersistence()  # (7)!
    async with count_down_graph.iter(
        CountDown(), state=state, persistence=persistence
    ) as run:
        node = run.next_node  # (1)!
        while not isinstance(node, End):  # (2)!
            print('Node:', node)
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: CountDown()
            #> Node: CountDown()
            if state.counter == 2:
                break  # (3)!
            node = await  # (4)!

        print(run.result)  # (5)!
        #> None

        for step in persistence.history:  # (6)!
            print('History Step:', step.state, step.state)
            #> History Step: CountDownState(counter=5) CountDownState(counter=5)
            #> History Step: CountDownState(counter=4) CountDownState(counter=4)
            #> History Step: CountDownState(counter=3) CountDownState(counter=3)
            #> History Step: CountDownState(counter=2) CountDownState(counter=2)
  1. We start by grabbing the first node that will be run in the agent's graph.
  2. The agent run is finished once an End node has been produced; instances of End cannot be passed to next.
  3. If the user decides to stop early, we break out of the loop. The graph run won't have a real final result in that case (run.final_result remains None).
  4. At each step, we call await to run it and get the next node (or an End).
  5. Because we did not continue the run until it finished, the result is not set.
  6. The run's history is still populated with the steps we executed so far.
  7. Use FullStatePersistence so we can show the history of the run, see State Persistence below for more information.

State Persistence

One of the biggest benefits of finite state machine (FSM) graphs is how they simplify the handling of interrupted execution. This might happen for a variety of reasons:

  • the state machine logic might fundamentally need to be paused — e.g. the returns workflow for an e-commerce order needs to wait for the item to be posted to the returns center or because execution of the next node needs input from a user so needs to wait for a new http request,
  • the execution takes so long that the entire graph can't reliably be executed in a single continuous run — e.g. a deep research agent that might take hours to run,
  • you want to run multiple graph nodes in parallel in different processes / hardware instances (note: parallel node execution is not yet supported in pydantic-graph, see #704).

Trying to make a conventional control flow (i.e., boolean logic and nested function calls) implementation compatible with these usage scenarios generally results in brittle and over-complicated spaghetti code, with the logic required to interrupt and resume execution dominating the implementation.

To allow graph runs to be interrupted and resumed, pydantic-graph provides state persistence — a system for snapshotting the state of a graph run before and after each node is run, allowing a graph run to be resumed from any point in the graph.

pydantic-graph includes three state persistence implementations:

  • SimpleStatePersistence — Simple in memory state persistence that just hold the latest snapshot. If no state persistence implementation is provided when running a graph, this is used by default.
  • FullStatePersistence — In memory state persistence that hold a list of snapshots.
  • FileStatePersistence — File-based state persistence that saves snapshots to a JSON file.

In production applications, developers should implement their own state persistence by subclassing BaseStatePersistence abstract base class, which might persist runs in a relational database like PostgresQL.

At a high level the role of StatePersistence implementations is to store and retrieve NodeSnapshot and EndSnapshot objects.

graph.iter_from_persistence() may be used to run the graph based on the state stored in persistence.

We can run the count_down_graph from above, using graph.iter_from_persistence() and FileStatePersistence.

As you can see in this code, run_node requires no external application state (apart from state persistence) to be run, meaning graphs can easily be executed by distributed execution and queueing systems.
from pathlib import Path

from pydantic_graph import End
from pydantic_graph.persistence.file import FileStatePersistence

from count_down import CountDown, CountDownState, count_down_graph

async def main():
    run_id = 'run_abc123'
    persistence = FileStatePersistence(Path(f'count_down_{run_id}.json'))  # (1)!
    state = CountDownState(counter=5)
    await count_down_graph.initialize(  # (2)!
        CountDown(), state=state, persistence=persistence

    done = False
    while not done:
        done = await run_node(run_id)

async def run_node(run_id: str) -> bool:  # (3)!
    persistence = FileStatePersistence(Path(f'count_down_{run_id}.json'))
    async with count_down_graph.iter_from_persistence(persistence) as run:  # (4)!
        node_or_end = await  # (5)!

    print('Node:', node_or_end)
    #> Node: CountDown()
    #> Node: CountDown()
    #> Node: CountDown()
    #> Node: CountDown()
    #> Node: CountDown()
    #> Node: End(data=0)
    return isinstance(node_or_end, End)  # (6)!
  1. Create a FileStatePersistence to use to start the graph.
  2. Call graph.initialize() to set the initial graph state in the persistence object.
  3. run_node is a pure function that doesn't need access to any other process state to run the next node of the graph, except the ID of the run.
  4. Call graph.iter_from_persistence() create a GraphRun object that will run the next node of the graph from the state stored in persistence. This will return either a node or an End object.
  5. will return either a node or an End object.
  6. Check if the node is an End object, if it is, the graph run is complete.

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+ — you'll need to add to run main)

Example: Human in the loop.

As noted above, state persistence allows graphs to be interrupted and resumed. One use case of this is to allow user input to continue.

In this example, an AI asks the user a question, the user provides an answer, the AI evaluates the answer and ends if the user got it right or asks another question if they got it wrong.

Instead of running the entire graph in a single process invocation, we run the graph by running the process repeatedly, optionally providing an answer to the question as a command line argument.

ai_q_and_a_graph.pyquestion_graph definition
from __future__ import annotations as _annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from groq import BaseModel
from pydantic_graph import (

from pydantic_ai import Agent
from pydantic_ai.format_as_xml import format_as_xml
from pydantic_ai.messages import ModelMessage

ask_agent = Agent('openai:gpt-4o', result_type=str, instrument=True)

class QuestionState:
    question: str | None = None
    ask_agent_messages: list[ModelMessage] = field(default_factory=list)
    evaluate_agent_messages: list[ModelMessage] = field(default_factory=list)

class Ask(BaseNode[QuestionState]):
    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState]) -> Answer:
        result = await
            'Ask a simple question with a single correct answer.',
        ctx.state.ask_agent_messages += result.all_messages()
        ctx.state.question =
        return Answer(

class Answer(BaseNode[QuestionState]):
    question: str

    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState]) -> Evaluate:
        answer = input(f'{self.question}: ')
        return Evaluate(answer)

class EvaluationResult(BaseModel, use_attribute_docstrings=True):
    correct: bool
    """Whether the answer is correct."""
    comment: str
    """Comment on the answer, reprimand the user if the answer is wrong."""

evaluate_agent = Agent(
    system_prompt='Given a question and answer, evaluate if the answer is correct.',

class Evaluate(BaseNode[QuestionState, None, str]):
    answer: str

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState],
    ) -> End[str] | Reprimand:
        assert ctx.state.question is not None
        result = await
            format_as_xml({'question': ctx.state.question, 'answer': self.answer}),
        ctx.state.evaluate_agent_messages += result.all_messages()
            return End(
            return Reprimand(

class Reprimand(BaseNode[QuestionState]):
    comment: str

    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState]) -> Ask:
        print(f'Comment: {self.comment}')
        ctx.state.question = None
        return Ask()

question_graph = Graph(
    nodes=(Ask, Answer, Evaluate, Reprimand), state_type=QuestionState

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+)
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from pydantic_graph import End
from pydantic_graph.persistence.file import FileStatePersistence
from pydantic_ai.messages import ModelMessage  # noqa: F401

from ai_q_and_a_graph import Ask, question_graph, Evaluate, QuestionState, Answer

async def main():
    answer: str | None = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None  # (1)!
    persistence = FileStatePersistence(Path('question_graph.json'))  # (2)!
    persistence.set_graph_types(question_graph)  # (3)!

    if snapshot := await persistence.load_next():  # (4)!
        state = snapshot.state
        assert answer is not None
        node = Evaluate(answer)
        state = QuestionState()
        node = Ask()  # (5)!

    async with question_graph.iter(node, state=state, persistence=persistence) as run:
        while True:
            node = await  # (6)!
            if isinstance(node, End):  # (7)!
                history = await persistence.load_all()  # (8)!
                print([e.node for e in history])
            elif isinstance(node, Answer):  # (9)!
                #> What is the capital of France?
            # otherwise just continue
  1. Get the user's answer from the command line, if provided. See question graph example for a complete example.
  2. Create a state persistence instance the 'question_graph.json' file may or may not already exist.
  3. Since we're using the persistence interface outside a graph, we need to call set_graph_types to set the graph generic types StateT and RunEndT for the persistence instance. This is necessary to allow the persistence instance to know how to serialize and deserialize graph nodes.
  4. If we're run the graph before, load_next will return a snapshot of the next node to run, here we use state from that snapshot, and create a new Evaluate node with the answer provided on the command line.
  5. If the graph hasn't been run before, we create a new QuestionState and start with the Ask node.
  6. Call to run the node. This will return either a node or an End object.
  7. If the node is an End object, the graph run is complete. The data field of the End object contains the comment returned by the evaluate_agent about the correct answer.
  8. To demonstrate the state persistence, we call load_all to get all the snapshots from the persistence instance. This will return a list of Snapshot objects.
  9. If the node is an Answer object, we print the question and break out of the loop to end the process and wait for user input.

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+ — you'll need to add to run main)

For a complete example of this graph, see the question graph example.

Dependency Injection

As with PydanticAI, pydantic-graph supports dependency injection via a generic parameter on Graph and BaseNode, and the GraphRunContext.deps field.

As an example of dependency injection, let's modify the DivisibleBy5 example above to use a ProcessPoolExecutor to run the compute load in a separate process (this is a contrived example, ProcessPoolExecutor wouldn't actually improve performance in this example):
from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, Graph, GraphRunContext

class GraphDeps:
    executor: ProcessPoolExecutor

class DivisibleBy5(BaseNode[None, GraphDeps, int]):
    foo: int

    async def run(
        ctx: GraphRunContext[None, GraphDeps],
    ) -> Increment | End[int]:
        if % 5 == 0:
            return End(
            return Increment(

class Increment(BaseNode[None, GraphDeps]):
    foo: int

    async def run(self, ctx: GraphRunContext[None, GraphDeps]) -> DivisibleBy5:
        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        compute_result = await loop.run_in_executor(
        return DivisibleBy5(compute_result)

    def compute(self) -> int:
        return + 1

fives_graph = Graph(nodes=[DivisibleBy5, Increment])

async def main():
    with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
        deps = GraphDeps(executor)
        result = await, deps=deps)
    #> 5
    # the full history is quite verbose (see below), so we'll just print the summary
    print([item.data_snapshot() for item in result.history])

(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" with Python 3.10+ — you'll need to add to run main)

Mermaid Diagrams

Pydantic Graph can generate mermaid stateDiagram-v2 diagrams for graphs, as shown above.

These diagrams can be generated with:

Beyond the diagrams shown above, you can also customize mermaid diagrams with the following options:

Putting that together, we can edit the last example to:

  • add labels to some edges
  • add a note to the Ask node
  • highlight the Answer node
  • save the diagram as a PNG image to file
from typing import Annotated

from pydantic_graph import BaseNode, End, Graph, GraphRunContext, Edge


class Ask(BaseNode[QuestionState]):
    """Generate question using GPT-4o."""
    docstring_notes = True
    async def run(
        self, ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState]
    ) -> Annotated[Answer, Edge(label='Ask the question')]:


class Evaluate(BaseNode[QuestionState]):
    answer: str

    async def run(
            ctx: GraphRunContext[QuestionState],
    ) -> Annotated[End[str], Edge(label='success')] | Reprimand:


question_graph.mermaid_save('image.png', highlighted_nodes=[Answer])

(This example is not complete and cannot be run directly)

This would generate an image that looks like this:

title: question_graph
  Ask --> Answer: Ask the question
  note right of Ask
    Judge the answer.
    Decide on next step.
  end note
  Answer --> Evaluate
  Evaluate --> Reprimand
  Evaluate --> [*]: success
  Reprimand --> Ask

classDef highlighted fill:#fdff32
class Answer highlighted

Setting Direction of the State Diagram

You can specify the direction of the state diagram using one of the following values:

  • 'TB': Top to bottom, the diagram flows vertically from top to bottom.
  • 'LR': Left to right, the diagram flows horizontally from left to right.
  • 'RL': Right to left, the diagram flows horizontally from right to left.
  • 'BT': Bottom to top, the diagram flows vertically from bottom to top.

Here is an example of how to do this using 'Left to Right' (LR) instead of the default 'Top to Bottom' (TB):
from vending_machine import InsertCoin, vending_machine_graph

vending_machine_graph.mermaid_code(start_node=InsertCoin, direction='LR')

title: vending_machine_graph
  direction LR
  [*] --> InsertCoin
  InsertCoin --> CoinsInserted
  CoinsInserted --> SelectProduct
  CoinsInserted --> Purchase
  SelectProduct --> Purchase
  Purchase --> InsertCoin
  Purchase --> SelectProduct
  Purchase --> [*]