Multi-agent Applications
There are roughly four levels of complexity when building applications with PydanticAI:
- Single agent workflows — what most of the
documentation covers - Agent delegation — agents using another agent via tools
- Programmatic agent hand-off — one agent runs, then application code calls another agent
- Graph based control flow — for the most complex cases, a graph-based state machine can be used to control the execution of multiple agents
Of course, you can combine multiple strategies in a single application.
Agent delegation
"Agent delegation" refers to the scenario where an agent delegates work to another agent, then takes back control when the delegate agent (the agent called from within a tool) finishes.
Since agents are stateless and designed to be global, you do not need to include the agent itself in agent dependencies.
You'll generally want to pass ctx.usage
to the usage
keyword argument of the delegate agent run so usage within that run counts towards the total usage of the parent agent run.
Multiple models
Agent delegation doesn't need to use the same model for each agent. If you choose to use different models within a run, calculating the monetary cost from the final result.usage()
of the run will not be possible, but you can still use UsageLimits
to avoid unexpected costs.
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
from pydantic_ai.usage import UsageLimits
joke_selection_agent = Agent( # (1)!
'Use the `joke_factory` to generate some jokes, then choose the best. '
'You must return just a single joke.'
joke_generation_agent = Agent( # (2)!
'google-gla:gemini-1.5-flash', result_type=list[str]
async def joke_factory(ctx: RunContext[None], count: int) -> list[str]:
r = await # (3)!
f'Please generate {count} jokes.',
usage=ctx.usage, # (4)!
return # (5)!
result = joke_selection_agent.run_sync(
'Tell me a joke.',
usage_limits=UsageLimits(request_limit=5, total_tokens_limit=300),
#> Did you hear about the toothpaste scandal? They called it Colgate.
requests=3, request_tokens=204, response_tokens=24, total_tokens=228, details=None
- The "parent" or controlling agent.
- The "delegate" agent, which is called from within a tool of the parent agent.
- Call the delegate agent from within a tool of the parent agent.
- Pass the usage from the parent agent to the delegate agent so the final
includes the usage from both agents. - Since the function returns
, and theresult_type
is alsolist[str]
, we can simply
from the tool.
(This example is complete, it can be run "as is")
The control flow for this example is pretty simple and can be summarised as follows:
graph TD
START --> joke_selection_agent
joke_selection_agent --> joke_factory["joke_factory (tool)"]
joke_factory --> joke_generation_agent
joke_generation_agent --> joke_factory
joke_factory --> joke_selection_agent
joke_selection_agent --> END
Agent delegation and dependencies
Generally the delegate agent needs to either have the same dependencies as the calling agent, or dependencies which are a subset of the calling agent's dependencies.
Initializing dependencies
We say "generally" above since there's nothing to stop you initializing dependencies within a tool call and therefore using interdependencies in a delegate agent that are not available on the parent, this should often be avoided since it can be significantly slower than reusing connections etc. from the parent agent.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import httpx
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
class ClientAndKey: # (1)!
http_client: httpx.AsyncClient
api_key: str
joke_selection_agent = Agent(
deps_type=ClientAndKey, # (2)!
'Use the `joke_factory` tool to generate some jokes on the given subject, '
'then choose the best. You must return just a single joke.'
joke_generation_agent = Agent(
deps_type=ClientAndKey, # (4)!
'Use the "get_jokes" tool to get some jokes on the given subject, '
'then extract each joke into a list.'
async def joke_factory(ctx: RunContext[ClientAndKey], count: int) -> list[str]:
r = await
f'Please generate {count} jokes.',
deps=ctx.deps, # (3)!
@joke_generation_agent.tool # (5)!
async def get_jokes(ctx: RunContext[ClientAndKey], count: int) -> str:
response = await ctx.deps.http_client.get(
params={'count': count},
headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {ctx.deps.api_key}'},
return response.text
async def main():
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
deps = ClientAndKey(client, 'foobar')
result = await'Tell me a joke.', deps=deps)
#> Did you hear about the toothpaste scandal? They called it Colgate.
print(result.usage()) # (6)!
- Define a dataclass to hold the client and API key dependencies.
- Set the
of the calling agent —joke_selection_agent
here. - Pass the dependencies to the delegate agent's run method within the tool call.
- Also set the
of the delegate agent —joke_generation_agent
here. - Define a tool on the delegate agent that uses the dependencies to make an HTTP request.
- Usage now includes 4 requests — 2 from the calling agent and 2 from the delegate agent.
(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" — you'll need to add
to run main
This example shows how even a fairly simple agent delegation can lead to a complex control flow:
graph TD
START --> joke_selection_agent
joke_selection_agent --> joke_factory["joke_factory (tool)"]
joke_factory --> joke_generation_agent
joke_generation_agent --> get_jokes["get_jokes (tool)"]
get_jokes --> http_request["HTTP request"]
http_request --> get_jokes
get_jokes --> joke_generation_agent
joke_generation_agent --> joke_factory
joke_factory --> joke_selection_agent
joke_selection_agent --> END
Programmatic agent hand-off
"Programmatic agent hand-off" refers to the scenario where multiple agents are called in succession, with application code and/or a human in the loop responsible for deciding which agent to call next.
Here agents don't need to use the same deps.
Here we show two agents used in succession, the first to find a flight and the second to extract the user's seat preference.
from typing import Literal, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from rich.prompt import Prompt
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
from pydantic_ai.messages import ModelMessage
from pydantic_ai.usage import Usage, UsageLimits
class FlightDetails(BaseModel):
flight_number: str
class Failed(BaseModel):
"""Unable to find a satisfactory choice."""
flight_search_agent = Agent[None, Union[FlightDetails, Failed]]( # (1)!
result_type=Union[FlightDetails, Failed], # type: ignore
'Use the "flight_search" tool to find a flight '
'from the given origin to the given destination.'
@flight_search_agent.tool # (2)!
async def flight_search(
ctx: RunContext[None], origin: str, destination: str
) -> Union[FlightDetails, None]:
# in reality, this would call a flight search API or
# use a browser to scrape a flight search website
return FlightDetails(flight_number='AK456')
usage_limits = UsageLimits(request_limit=15) # (3)!
async def find_flight(usage: Usage) -> Union[FlightDetails, None]: # (4)!
message_history: Union[list[ModelMessage], None] = None
for _ in range(3):
prompt = Prompt.ask(
'Where would you like to fly from and to?',
result = await
if isinstance(, FlightDetails):
message_history = result.all_messages(
result_tool_return_content='Please try again.'
class SeatPreference(BaseModel):
row: int = Field(ge=1, le=30)
seat: Literal['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
# This agent is responsible for extracting the user's seat selection
seat_preference_agent = Agent[None, Union[SeatPreference, Failed]]( # (5)!
result_type=Union[SeatPreference, Failed], # type: ignore
"Extract the user's seat preference. "
'Seats A and F are window seats. '
'Row 1 is the front row and has extra leg room. '
'Rows 14, and 20 also have extra leg room. '
async def find_seat(usage: Usage) -> SeatPreference: # (6)!
message_history: Union[list[ModelMessage], None] = None
while True:
answer = Prompt.ask('What seat would you like?')
result = await
if isinstance(, SeatPreference):
print('Could not understand seat preference. Please try again.')
message_history = result.all_messages()
async def main(): # (7)!
usage: Usage = Usage()
opt_flight_details = await find_flight(usage)
if opt_flight_details is not None:
print(f'Flight found: {opt_flight_details.flight_number}')
#> Flight found: AK456
seat_preference = await find_seat(usage)
print(f'Seat preference: {seat_preference}')
#> Seat preference: row=1 seat='A'
- Define the first agent, which finds a flight. We use an explicit type annotation until PEP-747 lands, see structured results. We use a union as the result type so the model can communicate if it's unable to find a satisfactory choice; internally, each member of the union will be registered as a separate tool.
- Define a tool on the agent to find a flight. In this simple case we could dispense with the tool and just define the agent to return structured data, then search for a flight, but in more complex scenarios the tool would be necessary.
- Define usage limits for the entire app.
- Define a function to find a flight, which asks the user for their preferences and then calls the agent to find a flight.
- As with
above, we use an explicit type annotation to define the agent. - Define a function to find the user's seat preference, which asks the user for their seat preference and then calls the agent to extract the seat preference.
- Now that we've put our logic for running each agent into separate functions, our main app becomes very simple.
(This example is complete, it can be run "as is" — you'll need to add
to run main
The control flow for this example can be summarised as follows:
graph TB
START --> ask_user_flight["ask user for flight"]
subgraph find_flight
flight_search_agent --> ask_user_flight
ask_user_flight --> flight_search_agent
flight_search_agent --> ask_user_seat["ask user for seat"]
flight_search_agent --> END
subgraph find_seat
seat_preference_agent --> ask_user_seat
ask_user_seat --> seat_preference_agent
seat_preference_agent --> END
Pydantic Graphs
See the graph documentation on when and how to use graphs.
The following examples demonstrate how to use dependencies in PydanticAI: